Is Amazon a MONOPOLY ?? What are Amazon's most profitable business

If you broadly see the market "Amazon is a MONOPOLY" 

If you didn't knew already Amazon controls 33% of our Internet, Sites such as Netflix, NASA, Airbnb, etc. are hosted on AWS (Amazon Web Servies) which brings 35 billion USD to Amazon's pocket. If a company has that amount of money they can easily take many risks and do unprofitable business.

Amazon recently acquired Zoox, A self-driving startup company for 1.2 billion. In total 95 companies are acquired which in total worth 288 billion (To check)
In 2017, Amazon tried to start a food business and its main competitor was Whole Foods so they bought it for 13 billion dollars. So this is the example of Monopoly

If you see this graph carefully, You will see amazon brings 47% of its revenue from AWS alone.
Amazon Prime is very successful in the US they have about 112 million prime subscribers which make it the 3rd most profitable venture. 

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